Cloud Ready: The Value of Being Ready for the Cloud with SAP HANA

The variables to consider with the cloud and SAP HANA

There are many variables when looking into whether you should enter your SAP HANA estate into the Cloud world. The challenge often being a lack of knowledge over where to sit SAP HANA.

What does being cloud ready mean?

Being ‘cloud ready’ doesn’t necessarily mean moving to the cloud immediately. Sometimes it’s an act of understanding where you are in your journey and what it would take to get to where you need to be to migrate to the cloud. Becoming cloud ready is the process you move through to depict whether this is the right path for your organisation.

We’ve broken it down into a top level infographic.

See below to understand more or get in touch.



infographic for the value of being cloud ready with SAP HANA


Get in touch with us for more information on moving SAP HANA into the cloud and a Cloud Readiness Assessment.