The Digital SAP HANA Experts Forum
Centiq held a series of knowledge sharing webinars on SAP HANA. From design to deployment, through to evolution, we looked into the requirements at different stages of the SAP HANA process and insight we have discovered throughout our own journies.
Take a look at what happened during each digital forum and catch up by viewing the videos.
HANA On… Your Infrastructure Choices
In this first webinar of the series, we will start to look at the questions surrounding whether SAP HANA is needed and what the potential next steps are. The webinar will cover:
- The business functional requirements that might drive HANA requirements
- IT operational objectives within the SAP platform that might drive the need for transformational change including HANA
- End of life IT decisions that might drive a move to HANA
- Ideas to get a HANA project off the ground if there are ‘Shelfware’ HANA licenses bundled from a corporate licence deal
SAP HANA Architectural Sizing and Considerations
After deciding to use an IaaS offering or house an on-prem HANA solution, a platform needs to be designed to deliver an IT service that matches the business needs for uptime, performance and growth.
In this webinar, we will explore:
- How HANA is sized, and what choices impact capacity
- How the resilience and business continuity objectives are met with the features available to the HANA platform
- Requirements to consider when selecting a backup solution
- What considerations for the development lifecycle should be considered in the design
Building the SAP HANA journey from your Business Case
Having decided the business case for HANA, we explore which platform best suits an organisation’s needs for running HANA based applications on.
During this webinar, we will look at:
- Understanding the SAP HANA options available: On-premise, Cloud, Hybrid
- The challenges each option may present during design, deployment and evolution
- An outline of how to enable the right choice for business needs
SAP HANA Operational Best Practices, Optimisation, Performance and Cost
Moving to an in-memory data platform presents a new challenge of balancing performance against cost. This webinar will help articulate to both the business and IT teams supporting HANA, the choices that can be made to optimise HANA systems to keep them performing throughout the service lifecycle without spiralling costs:
- New operational processes that need to be created when running HANA in a production environment.
- Which important metrics for performance and capacity to baseline and monitor
- The tools available on the HANA platform to assist in the monitoring challenge
- Which elements of the service truly deliver more value from being fast? Could some data access be slower to save cost? Which options for scale-out and scale-up options are appropriate for expanding HANA based systems? What are the practical and economic constraints?
- What performance testing should I consider to improve the chances of successful optimisation